Verżjoni bil-Malti
Jekk għadek ma skoprejtx kemm hu faċli tuża l-Mobile Banking App tal-HSBC, issa huwa żmien tajjeb li tagħmel dan.
L-app hija faċli biex tużaha, veloċi, sigura u hija aċċessibli kull ħin u kull fejn għandek bżonnha.
Tista’ faċilment tniżżel l-app minn fuq l-ismart phone tiegħek... mill-App Store jew inkella mill-Play Store.
Biex tattiva l-app daħħal il-username tal-online banking tiegħek, imbagħad trid tivverifika l-identità tiegħek jew permezz tal-online banking password u PIN li tircievi b’SMS, jew billi tuża s-Secure Key tiegħek.
Daħħal il-code li rċevejt b’SMS jew dak ġenerat mis-Secure Key.
F’dan l-istadju, oħloq PIN b’sitt numri biex tużah meta tilloggja fil-mobile banking app.
Issa tista’ tibda tuża l-HSBC Mobile Banking App li permezz tagħha tista’ tara lbilanċi u t-transazzjonijiet tal-kontijiet tiegħek; u tittrasferixxi flus bejn dawn l-istess kontijiet.
Wara li tkun issettjajthom fl-online banking, tista’ wkoll tibgħat flus lil terzi persuni; kif ukoll tħallas il-kontijiet tiegħek.
Jekk l-ismartphone tiegħek ikollu l-faċilità, tkun tista’ taċċessa l-mobile app permezz tat-Touch ID jew tal-Face Recognition. Għalhekk l-ismartphone tiegħek jagħtik aċċess għal servizzi bankarji kull fejn tkun, kif ukoll serħan il-moħħ li joffri l-HSBC.
Aħna noffru varjetà ta’ servizzi bankarji diġitali li huma aċċessibbli u faċli biex tużahom li permezz tagħhom m’għandekx għalfejn toqgħod tmur fil-kjù f’xi fergħa.
Ibda użahom mil-lum, u ħu ħsieb...
Aħna qegħdin hawn biex ngħinuk.
HSBC, together we thrive.
English version
If you haven't yet discovered just how easy it is to use HSBC's Mobile Banking app… now's a good time to do so.
Easy, fast and secure, it's available whenever, and wherever you need it.
You can easily download the app onto your smart phone from the App Store or Play Store.
To activate the App enter your online banking username... you then need to verify your identity either by using your online banking password and SMS PIN or by using your Secure Key.
Enter the code received by SMS or the one generated by your Secure Key.
You can now proceed to create a 6-digit PIN for your mobile banking app.
You are now ready to start using the HSBC Mobile Banking app which allows you to view account balances and transactions; and transfer between your own accounts.
Once you've set them up via online banking, you can also send money to other people; and pay your bills.
Depending on your smartphone, you may also be able to use Touch ID or Face Recognition for logging in. So your Smartphone gives you access to banking services at your fingertips, plus the reassurance of banking with HSBC.
We offer a range of easy and accessible digital banking options… that make queuing at a branch unnecessary.
Start using them from today, and stay safe.
We're here to support you.
HSBC, together we thrive.