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Mobile alerts

Stay in control of your accounts

Keep up to date with what's happening on your account

Subscribe to mobile alerts and we’ll send you a text message if something changes on your account - or doesn't happen when you expect it to. We'll also contact you if we need to check anything for security reasons.

You choose the alerts you want to receive and the accounts you want to hear about. You can update this any time in online banking.

What alerts can you set up?

  • Term deposit will mature in 5 days
  • Standing order not made after 3 attempts
  • Loan repayment not made after 3 attempts
  • Direct Debit taken from your account
  • Credit - eg pension, dividends - made to your account
  • Salary paid into your account
  • Account balance goes over pre-set amount
  • Account balance falls under a pre-set amount
  • Transaction made over or under the set amount

How to register

Register online

Simply log on to online banking to subscribe and/or review the way we send you mobile alerts.

Register by phone

You'll need either:

  • your phone banking PIN and 10-digit electronic banking number (EBN), or
  • your account number, or
  • your credit card number


Personal banking customers call +356 2380 2380

Premier customers call +356 2148 9100

Advance customers call +356 2148 9101

Register in branch

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.