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HSBC Key FIVE Critical Illness Cover video transcript

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Sfortunatament, ilkoll nafu lil xi ħadd - forsi xi qarib jew ħabib -- li marad b'mod serju.

Il-konsegwenzi jistgħu jkunu devastanti, għalihom; għall-familja u anki l-ħbieb tagħhom.

Qatt ħsibt dwar il-futur tiegħek u tal-maħbubin tiegħek f’każ li timrad b'mod kritiku?

Għalkemm ħadd ma jista' jbassar il-futur, issa għandek il-possibilità li serraħ rasek u tkun ippreparat finanzjarjament fil-każ li jseħħ dak li qatt ma kont qed tistenna.

Ħloqna l-HSBC Key FIVE Critical Illness Cover plan li tagħti lilek u lill-maħbubin tiegħek appoġġ finanzjarju f’każ li kellek timrad bla mistenni b’mard kritiku fost l-aktar komuni. Bħall-Kanċer, Puplesija, Attakk tal-Qalb, Bypass tal-Arterji Koronarji jew Falliment tal-Kliewi.

Il-polza HSBC Key FIVE Critical Illness tħallas somma f'daqqa skont is-severità tal-mard kritiku kopert. Din is-somma tkun tista' tintuża kif int tixtieq sabiex int u l-familja tkunu tistgħu tiffaċċjaw aħjar dawn iż-żminijiet diffiċli.

Tista' tuża din is-somma biex tħallas djun eżistenti, bħal pereżempju id-dejn tad-dar, jew biex tgħinek fl-ispejjeż tal-għajxien matul il-perjodu ta’ rkupru.

Tista' wkoll tuża s-somma assigurata biex tkopri kwalunkwe spiża medika  mhux koperta mill-assigurazzjoni tas-saħħa tiegħek; it-trattament li tkun qed tieħu; jew l-ispejjeż ta' riabilitazzjoni.

Aħna nistgħu ngħinuk isserraħ rasek mill-bżonnijiet finanzjarji, sabiex int tiffoka fuq ir-riabilitazzjoni tas-saħħa tiegħek.

Xi kundizzjonijiet mediċi mhux koperti minn din il-polza.

Għad-dettalji kollha dwar din il-polza ta’ assigurazzjoni, irreferi għall-Fuljett Informattiv; Id-Dokument tal-Karatteristiċi Ewlenin; u t-Termini u Kundizzjonijiet tal-Polza ta’ Assigurazzjoni.

Kopja tat-Termini u Kundizzjonijiet tal-Polza tista' tinkiseb minn kwalunkwe fergħa tagħna.

English version

Unfortunately, we’ve all known someone, maybe a friend or relative, who has fallen critically ill.

The consequences can be devastating for them, their family and friends.            

So, do you ever worry about how you and your loved ones would cope if you were to become critically ill?

Now whilst no one can predict an illness, you can do something to be financially prepared should the unexpected happen.        

We’ve created the HSBC Key FIVE Critical Illness Cover plan. It gives you and your loved ones financial support should you unexpectedly fall ill with the 5 most common critical illnesses: Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Kidney Failure.

The HSBC Key FIVE Critical Illness Cover plan pays out a lump sum depending on the severity level of the covered critical illness, that you can use in any way you like to support you and your family during these difficult times.

You can use the pay-out to clear existing debts such as your mortgage, or to help with your living expenses while you recover.

You can also use the sum assured to cover any other medical expenses that may not be covered by your health insurance, treatments or contribute towards rehabilitation costs.

We can help you take care of the financial stress leaving you to focus on getting better.

Some types of diagnosis are not covered under the Plan.

Please refer to the Brochure, Key Features Document and Policy Terms & Conditions of this plan for full details.

A copy of the Policy Terms & Conditions can be obtained from any of our branches.

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.