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HSBC Retirement Pension Plan video transcript

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Ġieli staqsejt lilek innifsek, jekk, meta tirtira, il-pensjoni tal-Gvern hijiex se tkun biżżejjed biex tkompli tgawdi l-istil ta’ ħajja li għandek illum?

Hemm ċans tajjeb li ma tkunx, allura aktar ma taħseb kmieni biex tagħmel Pjan għall-Pensjoni, aktar aħjar.

Bir-Retirement Pension Plan - Unit Linked tal-HSBC, tista’ tibda ġġemma' ammont fix-xahar, u skont dan l-ammont, aħna nżidulek sa massimu ta’ 4.5% fuqu.

Per eżempju, jekk tiddepożita €250 fix-xahar għall-Pjan tal-Pensjoni tiegħek, inżidulek 3.5% fuq dan l-ammont, tul id-durata tal-pjan. Tinsiex li tista’ tkun eliġibbli wkoll għal kreditu ta’ taxxa, li skont l-ammont li tinvesti fix-xahar, jista’ jitla’ sa €750 fis-sena. Jekk tieħu l-istess eżempju ta’ €250 fix-xahar, it-tnaqqis fit-taxxa jkun ta’ €750 fis-sena.

Mela, ibda faddal mil-lum, għal futur finanzjarju aħjar.

English version

Have you ever asked yourself if your Government Pension will be enough for you to enjoy your current lifestyle when you retire?

Chances are that it won’t, so the sooner you start to think about taking up a Pension Plan, the better.

With the HSBC Retirement Pension Plan - Unit Linked you can start to save on a monthly basis, and depending on the amount you contribute, we will top up your monthly deposit up to a maximum of 4.5%.

For example, if you deposit €250 per month for your Pension Plan, we add an additional 3.5% to your monthly deposit throughout the duration of the plan. And don’t forget you may also be eligible for a tax credit, which, depending on the amount of your monthly deposit can be as high as €750 a year. Taking the same example of €250 per month contribution your Tax rebate will be €750 per year.

So, start saving for a better financial future today.

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