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HSBC ATM deposit video transcript

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Jekk għadek ma skoprejtx kemm hu faċli li tuża ATM għall-bżonnijiet bankarji tiegħek ... issa huwa żmien tajjeb li tagħmel dan.

L-ATMs tal-HSBC huma disponibbli erbgħa u għoxrin siegħa kuljum u ssibhom madwar Malta u Għawdex.

Tista’ taċċessa numru ta’ servizzi bankarji ta’ kuljum, bħal: ġbid ta’ flus; depożiti; trasferiment ta’ fondi minn kont għall-ieħor u ħlas tal-bilanċ tal-credit card, u anki tista’ tiċċekkja l-bilanċi.

Huwa tassew faċli li tiddepożita flus jew ċekkijiet fl-ATM.

Daħħal il-card tiegħek.

Agħżel Mod Normali jew b’Tipa Mkabbra u agħżel Servizzi Oħra.

Imbagħad agħżel “Depożitu” u agħżel jekk tixtieqx tiddepożita flus jew ċekkijiet.

Jekk se tiddepożita flus, daħħal sa ħamsin karta fl-ATM.

L-ATM tgħodd il-karti tal-flus u turik l-ammont li ddepożitajt.

Agħżel “Enter” u l-fondi jidħlu fil-kont tiegħek dak il-ħin stess.

Jekk tixtieq tiddepożita ċekkijiet, daħħal iċ-ċekkijiet wieħed wieħed fl-ATM.

Wara ftit se tara scan taċ-ċekk fuq l-iscreen.

Imbagħad daħħal l-ammont taċ-ċekk permezz tal-keypad u kkonferma.

Jekk tixtieq tista’ ssaqsi wkoll għal irċevuta tat-tranżazzjoni.

L-HSBC joffri numru ta’ servizzi bankarji diġitali li huma aċċessibbli u faċli biex tużahom li permezz tagħhom m’għandekx għalfejn toqgħod tmur fil-kju f’xi fergħa.

Ibda użahom mil-lum, u moħħok hemm ...

Aħna qegħdin hawn biex ngħinuk.

HSBC, together we thrive.

English version

If you haven’t yet discovered just how easy it is to use an ATM for your banking needs … now’s a good time to do so.

HSBC ATMs are available every day, round the clock and you can find them all over Malta and Gozo.

You can access many everyday banking services, such as: withdrawing cash; making deposits; transferring funds between accounts or paying credit card balances and checking balances.

Depositing cash or cheques using the ATM is easy ... just insert your card, select normal or enlarged mode and select Other Services.

Then select DEPOSIT and choose whether you want to deposit cash or cheques.

When depositing cash insert up to 50 notes in the ATM.

The ATM will count the notes and show you amount deposited.

Select confirm and the funds will be in your account immediately.

If you select the deposit cheques option, insert one cheque at a time in the ATM.

After a while you will see a scanned image of the cheque on screen.

Then simply enter the amount of the cheque using the keypad and confirm.

You can also request a receipt of your transaction if you wish.

HSBC offers a range of easy and accessible digital banking options ... that make queuing at a branch unnecessary.

Start using them from today, and stay safe.

We're here to support you.

HSBC, together we thrive.

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.