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Strong Customer Authentication video transcript

Verżjoni bil-Malti

L-HSBC introduċa sistema biex isaħħaħ is-sigurtà tax-xiri online.

Permezz tal-iStrong Customer Authentication, tista’ tixtri u tħallas bil-cards tal-HSBC online b’moħħok ferm iktar mistrieħ.

Din is-sistema tinkludi awtentikazzjoni b’żewġ fatturi.

Meta tkun se tħallas għal transazzjoni online bil-card tal-HSBC u m’għandekx aċċess għall-HSBC Mobile Banking app, hekk kif iddaħħal id-dettalji tal-card tiegħek, il-website minn fejn tkun qed tixtri se titolbok tikkonferma n-numru tal-mobile fejn se tirċievi l-One Time Password.

Għal aktar sigurtà, se tintalab iddaħħal il-Phone Banking Pin tiegħek.

Hekk kif tirċievi l-SMS, daħħal il-One Time Password fuq il-website, u l-pagament jgħaddi.

Huwa tassew faċli u sigur li tixtri online bil-cards tal-HSBC.

HSBC. Opening up a world of opportunity.

English version

HSBC has introduced a system to enhance online shopping security.

With Strong Customer Authentication, you can buy and pay online with your HSBC cards with added peace of mind.

This system includes two-factor authentication.

When you are about to pay for an online transaction with an HSBC card and you don’t have access to the HSBC Mobile Banking app, as soon as you input your card details, the website you're buying from will ask you to confirm the mobile number where you’d like to receive your One Time Password.

For added security, you will be asked to input your Phone Banking PIN.

When you receive the SMS, input your One Time Password on the website, and the transaction is confirmed.

It is so easy and secure to buy online with your HSBC cards.

HSBC. Opening up a world of opportunity.

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.